TurnUp The Volume: Sunday Pop-Up Dance Party

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Name: TurnUp The Volume: Sunday Pop-Up Dance Party
Date: December 24, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST
Event Description:
A pop-up dance party where you follow the leader (or do your own thing) through 15 world rhythm songs. We support community movement for mental health! Anyone of any ability is welcome.        
Jarvis Alfresco    
Date/Time Information:

Sunday, 12/24 (noon) and

Sunday 12/31 (noon)    

Contact Information:
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Printed courtesy of www.rpba.org – Contact the Rogers Park Business Alliance for more information.
1448 W. Morse Ave., Chicago, IL 60626 – (773) 508-5885 – info@rpba.org