Taste of Clark Street - 2017
Taste of Clark Street - 2017
October 1, 2017
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
We are celebrating Clark Street and the delicious restaurants that we have sprinkled from Devon Ave. to Touhy Ave.
Join us for an afternoon of music, crafts, food and beer & wine tastings.
Ten restaurants will be featuring samples of their signature dishes while you stroll Clark St. and get to know the community. Stop at Rogers Park
Fine Wine & Spirits for beer and wine samples and hang out in our "HUB" on Morse Ave. and Clark St. where we will have, seating, live music, crafts, activities and more food.
Pedicabs will be available to ride from the "HUB" to Devon or Touhy so you can get to the business at hand faster!
El Chorrito - 6404 N. Clark Street
El Pueblito Restaurant - 6712 N. Clark Street
Smack Dab Bakery - 6730 N. Clark Street
Three Legged Tacos - 6950 N. Clark Street
Supermercado Roman - 6978 N. Clark Street
Tamales Lo Mejor De Guerrero - 7024 N. Clark Street
A & T Restaurant - 7036 N. Clark Street
Nueva Italy Pizzeria - 7109 N. Clark Street
Taqueria La Chapala - 7117 N. Clark Street
Safari Lounge & Ethiopian Cuisine - 7124 N. Clark Street
Rogers Park Fine Wine and Spirits (Beer & Wine Tastings) - 6729 N. Clark StreetA&T Restaurant
Join us for an afternoon of music, crafts, food and beer & wine tastings.
Ten restaurants will be featuring samples of their signature dishes while you stroll Clark St. and get to know the community. Stop at Rogers Park
Fine Wine & Spirits for beer and wine samples and hang out in our "HUB" on Morse Ave. and Clark St. where we will have, seating, live music, crafts, activities and more food.
Pedicabs will be available to ride from the "HUB" to Devon or Touhy so you can get to the business at hand faster!
El Chorrito - 6404 N. Clark Street
El Pueblito Restaurant - 6712 N. Clark Street
Smack Dab Bakery - 6730 N. Clark Street
Three Legged Tacos - 6950 N. Clark Street
Supermercado Roman - 6978 N. Clark Street
Tamales Lo Mejor De Guerrero - 7024 N. Clark Street
A & T Restaurant - 7036 N. Clark Street
Nueva Italy Pizzeria - 7109 N. Clark Street
Taqueria La Chapala - 7117 N. Clark Street
Safari Lounge & Ethiopian Cuisine - 7124 N. Clark Street
Rogers Park Fine Wine and Spirits (Beer & Wine Tastings) - 6729 N. Clark StreetA&T Restaurant
The crawl will take place along Clark Street between Devon and Touhy. Rain or shine.
Music Schedule
Caribe Son Internacional - 2:15-3 p.m.
Seneke West African Percussion Ensemble - 3:15-4 p.m.
Cielito Lindo Family Folk Music 4:15-5 p.m.
Coffee Jazz Collective - 5:15-6 p.m.
Music Schedule
Caribe Son Internacional - 2:15-3 p.m.
Seneke West African Percussion Ensemble - 3:15-4 p.m.
Cielito Lindo Family Folk Music 4:15-5 p.m.
Coffee Jazz Collective - 5:15-6 p.m.
On October 1st you can check-in, pick up passport and/or purchase tickets at 7064 N. Clark Street, between 2 - 5 p.m.
To sweeten the deal before you explore Clark Street, run the Edgewater 5k and enjoy the lakefront path! Use the code EDGEFRIEND17 for a $5 discount.
After you cross the finish line, get ready to head up to Clark Street. Show your bib or medal at check-in, and you'll get $5 off!
Now there is no guilt about indulging in all the food that Clark St. has to offer!

Thanks to all our sponsors for their generous support:
Clark/Morse/Glenwood Special Service Area #24
First Bank & Trust
Wintrust Bank - Rogers Park
Bark Place
Joe Moore, Alderman of Chicago's 49th Ward
RE/MAX Northcoast Realty
After you cross the finish line, get ready to head up to Clark Street. Show your bib or medal at check-in, and you'll get $5 off!
Now there is no guilt about indulging in all the food that Clark St. has to offer!

Thanks to all our sponsors for their generous support:
Clark/Morse/Glenwood Special Service Area #24
First Bank & Trust
Wintrust Bank - Rogers Park
Bark Place
Joe Moore, Alderman of Chicago's 49th Ward
RE/MAX Northcoast Realty
Ready to get started? Let's roll!
Rogers Park Business Alliance
1448 W. Morse Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626
Phone: 773.508.5885
Fax: 773.508.9488
Email: info@rpba.org