Latinx Leadership Business Development Group
Presents an important event for business-minded individuals.
The mission is to create business leaders in the Latinx community by providing resources and support with professional development and collaborative partnerships throughout businesses and institutions.
PANEL3: Pivoting Your Business
The Gallery Incubator presents a 4-part series on Entrepreneurship, featuring a panel of our program mentors:
- Bruce Montgomery: Founder & CEO of The Entrepreneur Success Program
- Bob Easter: Advisor, Investor, Mentor, Community Collaborator
- Angela Valavanis: Owner & founder of Creative Coworking
- Stel Valavanis: CEO of onShore Security, Serial entrepreneur
These events can be attended as a series or on their own! Feel free to either one, more, or all of them. RSVP here.
Future date:
November 16 • Panel 4: Mentors & Investors
Supported by the Evanston Community Foundation and the Evanston Chamber of Commerce.
Spanish translation will be provided.
Presenta un importante evento para todos aquellos individuos interesados en el crecimiento de su empresa.
Nuestra misión es apoyar a los lideres de negocios de la comunidad Latinx, ofreciendo recursos, entrenamiento, y colaboración entre colegas, negocios, e instituciones.
The Gallery presenta una serie de 4 paneles de discusión en el área de Emprendimiento de Negocios, a cargo de los mentores de nuestro programa:
- Bruce Montgomery: Fundador y CEO del programa de Éxito de Emprendedores de Negocios
- Bob Easter: Consultor, asesor de inversiones, colaborador comunitario.
- Angela Valavanis: Dueña y fundadora de Creative Coworking
- Stel Valavanis: CEO de onShore Security, Leader de múltiples emprendimientos
Ready to get started? Let's roll!
Rogers Park Business Alliance
1448 W. Morse Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626
Phone: 773.508.5885
Fax: 773.508.9488